Opportunities to practice with me!
So happy to announce that Tuesdays with Carrie is now an ongoing weekly offering!
The space is working out smashingly! I love it! The students who have been attending love it!
It truly is beginning to feel like home. I am ready to let these new roots become more firmly established. So, let’s keep it going!
Please plan to join me every Tuesday from now until . . . how about we leave it open ended!
I will be offering ‘everyone’s favorite’
Restore every week!
Please join me every week to experience the beautiful benefits this practice offers – connection, release of tension, less stress, better sleep, feeling aligned, deep knowing, new aliveness! These are but a few!!!
Come with a willingness to experience a connection to your body, your breath, your highest Self, and leave knowing how to begin to truly live your yoga.
All classes are on Tuesdays at 6:15 – 7:15 pm
at Soma & Sage, 4434 S Highland Drive
Investment options:
Monthly options:
Unlimited – $50 (3 months minimum)
Three classes – $54 (use in one month)
Two classes – $42 (use in one month)
Card options:
10 classes – $160 (use in 3 months)
5 classes – $95 (use in 2 months)
Drop in always available – $25!
and . . . for the next six months, I will be teaching
emPower Flow
Monday & Thursdays at 5:45 pm
Heart & Hips
Sunday at 12 pm
These new classes will be at Lila studio – 967 East 2100 South
Sign up at
Grateful to get to continue to share practices with you!
Class Descriptions
Carrie’s signature vinyasa class filled with intention to empower you toward your highest good. You will move, breathe, strengthen muscles, release tension and invoke your most courageouis, powerful self. The delicate balance of her classes creates a space to surrender into your wholeness, to come into union with your true self, to feel empowered to Be Joy! Includes: move emPowered emPower emPowered restore(which will emPower you in ways beyond your belief!)
Mindful Movement
An attentive, thoughtful, present moment practice, finding a beautiful connection with the body, mind and spirit. You will open to a calm, ease filled space, released of the stresses and ready to welcome the moment. A perfect way to start or end the week. All levels welcome. 60 minutes
This practice combines a deeply nourishing environment of stillness with postures to encourage a natural process of healing. An active Restore class allows us to slow down and give to time refine and learn about your body, the poses and the big WHY of what we are doing. We will breathe deeply, move gently, rejuvenate and relax. Beginners, stiffer bodies and athletes encouraged! Beautiful compliment to any lifestyle. All levels. 60 -75 min.
Guided meditation. We will practice various methods of meditation, ending with offering Joy to all beings – Mudita! Beginners to mediation welcome. Various offerings throughout the month. 60 min